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ggzlogo Sharing Kamikaze levels


A resource sharing framework is one of the next features to be implemented for free desktops. KDE got this idea several months ago (remember KDEShare?) and does now have the first full mechanism for uploading/downloading data files with the KNewStuff library (which was located in kdepim/korganizer until KDE 3.2 but since KDE 3.3 is part of the KDE libraries).

Getting hot new levels

Applications can easily be tuned to support downloading data files, it just takes a couple of configuration and code lines to be added, most of which is bulk stuff. In Kamikaze, new levels can be downloaded from the game menu, and are then automatically available when invoking the New Game dialog.

Sharing your own levels

Since version 0.1.0, Kamikaze has had a level editor. When using KNewStuff, beside the 'open/save level' functionality, there is now a 'share level' item which uploads a level, a preview thereof and some meta information so others can download it.


See all that stuff in action!

Get hot new levels menu item Installing a level Playing with this level
Selecting a level for sharing Filling out the paperwork Et voilą, it works
KNewStuff is a very generic framework


This guy is the guilty one.